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> Republican Rep. Coble agrees with Rep. Kucinich- Bring the troops home

11 January 2005, 13:48

I’m glad a Republican finally has the courage to call for a withdrawal, albeit a little late. I was totally opposed to this war from the get-go. Wars are just excuses to try out new weapons, and generate profits for politicians and corporations. I didn’t always feel that way. When I was young, and my country called upon me to serve, I willingly went to Vietnam. Not only was I young, but I was also ignorant about politics. Vietnam was a wake-up call, and I learned real fast about the lies our governments tell. I haven’t trusted them since. I’m sure many Iraq war veterans will feel the same way, once they come home. Unfortunately, this was is being fought by a 100% volunteer force. If we still had the draft, the anti-war crowd (of which I am one) would have had a much stronger voice. Pray for our troops, and send our traiterous warmongering government officials to jail.