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> Larry King bumps military mom from show- Are the "news" networks afraid of the truth?

7 February 2005, 20:29

It seem’s like you really feel sorry for this mother’s loss. But since it sound’s like you have no family member’s over there, how could you have a clue what it’s like to wonder every day if a man in uniform comes to your front door to tell you that your son or daughter is dead?? I don’t understand how the religious right can be so behind bush and his war. It must be the fact that he support’s thier agenda. Making abortion’s, illegal and stopping gay marriage’s. If they put more of thier political pull, and money ,for positive thing’s, the US would be a much better place to live. NEO- CON, NEO- NAZI, they are starting to seem like the same mentality.Either follow our belief’s, or get out the way. The seperation of church and state is growing thinner every day.