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> Giuliana Sgrena, true defender of Iraqi and Afghan people must be release soon!

23 February 2005, 01:26

Sgrena has been kidnapped by the very people you say she was trying to "defend". The ugly truth is that the Iraqis are not as stupid as she thought they were. They were well aware that she was just using them as bit players in her own narcissistic, self serving passion play. This is all about her desperately seeking her 15 minutes of "andy warhol" fame. She wanted notoriety, celebrity and possibly "face time" on tv talk shows. What she will get is torment, rape, and possibly a videotaped beheading. The charge against her is "criminal stupidity", and for an "unbeliever" in a muslim country this charge frequently carries a death sentence. I truly hope she is released, but, candidly, that is not very likely. She needs a good beating and a real education in the school of hard knocks, not death. And as for you my fatuous, moronic friend, read the Qu’ran at least twice, read Ibn Ishaq’s"Sirat Rasul Allah", read Bukhari’s Hadiths, read Khadduri’s "Islamic Law of Nations" Google up all the pictures of the slaughter in Beslan, [realize that what happened there was Theologically correct in Islam] and then get back to me.