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> Madrid Fire Re-opens 9/11 Questions: Why did the twin towers fall so fast?

10 August 2006, 05:45

Some of these threads are over a year old, dont know if anyone still respondes to them or not, but I guess I could put my 2 cents worth in. I am not an Iron Worker, and I am not a Physics major, but I am not a complete idiot either. I am a truck driver, and have been for a little over 10 years. I think I believed what I heard through the Media, until I saw a DVD from Power Hour "In Plane Sight". Since then just seeing what has unraveled in our world today, with Iraq and here rescently the Middle East, Isreal and Lebanon. It just keeps getting deeper, you would think the American people would wake up, of course, I’m thinking most people are like me. I am but a small voice in a crowd of 300 million give or take a few. Its kinda like driving a truck, where is Jimmy Hoffa when you need him most. Since I had started driving a truck over the road, all the truck drivers complain about being under paid, the people you have to put up with at the docks, and the restriction being put on the American Truck Drivers. Everyone complains, but NO ONE puts forth the effort to change things. We know there is a problem with this administration, but we seem to sit back to see what happens next. Seems strange to me, we try to Impeach a president for lying about cheating on his wife to the public masses (Which it is no-ones business), but we don’t Impeach a president that lies about WMD’s and sends us off to a War that we have No earthly idea how to get out of and still save face. Yes, the Traitor is in the White House, although I think this week he is in Crawford Texas. How do you go about removing this administration from office? I mean, honestly, I believe Bush is just a puppet and Chaney is thee Puppet Master. How can the Vice President shoot someone under the influence of alcohol and walk away scot free. (And I Hardly believe he only had one beer, please Mr Chaney, don’t insult our intelligence!) Please Tell me? How do "We The People" remove this administration from office, before they do any more harm to the people of this great nation? Like I said before, I don’t know if anyone still reads these threads, but I will book mark this page, and forward this link to everyone I know. Thanks for letting me add own personal thoughts here, and pleaase, if anyone can inlighten me on how "We The People" remove an administration from office, please do so...

Daniel Simons