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> Madrid Fire Re-opens 9/11 Questions: Why did the twin towers fall so fast?

25 February 2011, 02:09, by wtcinsidejob

Correction: The Madrid fire lasted 22 hours! Also, nanothermite, a high-tech explosive that can only be manufactured in a very few high-tech facilities has been proven to exist in all dust samples tested from the WTC on 9/11. Google 7TOCPJ.PDF to read the peer-reviewed scientific paper (suitable as evidence and expert testimony in a court of law), that describes the explosive materials and materials generated from the explosive reactions of these materials, found in all 9/11 dust samples. The EPA and other agencies also found the tiny iron spheres that are a by-product of nanothermite reaction, but they gave no explanation for their existence in the dust. Nanothermite would have been used in shape-controlled cutter charges for slicing through the massive steel support columns of the three WTC buildings. Other explosives would likely have been used in conjunction to cause the complete demolition. It is much to obvious that the mainstream news media, owned by the same big money corporations and financial institutions that profit from war and fund political campaigns for the highest offices, has continued to suppress anything resembling the truth about what happened or who murdered 343 firefighters and a total of nearly 3,000 people on 9/11, not to mention the many thousands who have since suffered or died as a result of breathing the dust from the 9/11 event. Don’t these victims and their families deserve a better answer than the absurd, inconclusive and contradictory reports produced by the 9/11 Commission, NIST and FEMA, none of which explain the actual collapse mechanism for all three buildings in a scientifically acceptable manner? A new, impartial, scientific investigation into all aspects of the events of 9/11 is needed to answer the vast number of questions that have not yet to been answered to the satisfaction of Americans, except, of course, those who have been brainwashed by the propaganda machine we call mainstream news.