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> Whistleblowers Detail Corruption and Fraud at Halliburton during Senate Hearing

15 February 2005, 18:03

As usual there are people who take isolated incidents and blow them all out of proportion such as the embroidered towel issue. KBR has been in business since 1919 and was mobilized for the same LOGCAP contract by the Clinton administration into Bosnia. There was no outcry then and they followed the exact same contracting rules set forth by the Army controlled DCMA. I have worked for KBR for 17 years. Like any large corportaion it is not perfect and there are those who manipulate the system for their own gain. We are draconian about weeding these people out and stopping these practices. If you knew the whole story instead of 30 second sound bites and posturing by out of favor politicians you would understand that the effort by 99.99% of the employees of KBR is outstanding. There is a reason that KBR is this big and this old. It is because of good business practices, not bad ones. Find something else to complain about.