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> 19 yr old that Wanted Out of the Marines, Drowns at Boot Camp

7 January 2007, 09:11

Dear Jim & Brothers in Arms;
I am a marine corps wife/widow. I have brother still in Baghdad, and a husband who nearly beat the life out of me, and quite nearly blew my head off with my own gun. Just a woman, Yes I am, and I have seen the horror becuase it has been brought back and cast on me, and I have lost someone I love to all consuming panic and rage. I saw a bumper sticker today which encapsulated my life’s experiences of the last year which is, "Freedom has a different flavor for those who’ve fought fo it than the protected will ever know."
This is very true. I encourage all these people who give such great advice to the USMC to get out of their comfortable houses with safe, white picket fences, and see the Heart of Darkness in the world, and how they are prepared to deal with it. The USMC drill instructor was just doing his job, to give the Marine the skills to function under extreme pressure. In the worst of situations, when who else but the USMC is called, the enemy doesn’t care if he is too harsh or too cruel. They just don’t want to work it out, and yes, they are a threat. Of all I have suffered and lost, I would not have have asked my brother or my husband, to forsake their duty; and I am grateful, as you should, but never will be.