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> 33 Things You Should Know About the Middle East and America

8 March 2005, 23:23

Powerless. How else can the average American feel? Our history teachers taught us that what happened in Nazi Germany would never happen here. Yet, I feel like this must of been what some of the people felt like in Germany in the 1930s. While I don’t know the answers to these 33 things, red flags are flying everywhere. I know enough to believe our current government is corrupt. It saddens me for our nation. It saddens me for the world. All the money we are spending on war could be spent on food or water or education for the poor.

Yet, what do we as individuals do, especially in the so called red states? We are confined to two political parties, and one is becoming weaker by day. The freedom of speech still exists, but those of us pointing out the obvious insanity around us are ignored by those ’blinded by the right.’ The religious zealots have succeeded in convincing so many that their Jesus is in charge of all of this. They have lost sight of the true teachings of Jesus, and every other great religious leader. We should all care for one another.

Those who sow wind reap whirlwinds. Our country has became so judgmental, so harsh. People are too blind to realize that they are going against their own interests in the name of Jesus or God. It is insanity! The liberals are the outcasts, we scream, we point out our governments obvious lies but too many believe our President. Are they stupid? Brainwashed? Do they really believe they are about to be raptured? The rest of us hope that they wake up before it is too late and change the neocon path.

I believe most Americans want a pacifist nation to be a true land of the free. We just some how seem to have lost our way because of the insanity of the greedy, pseudo religious, pious few leaders who through propaganda and fear are manipulating this country down a highway our forefathers never saw coming. They must be rolling in their graves.