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> U.S. Used Mustard gas, Nerve gas, and Burning Chemicals on Iraqis in Fallujah

17 March 2005, 17:19

In a statement just prior to the seige of the city the leaders of the resistance in Fallujah denounced Zaqarwi and said that he is merely being used as an excuse by the US to destroy the city. They also stated that the bulk of the resistance fighters in the city were Iraqis, and this was more or less confirmed, albiet begrudgingly, by the US General in command of the operation.
With all of the media hype following the seige about "torture houses" and "chemical weapons’ labs" if the resistance fighters had been using chemical weapons against US and Iraqi troops it would have made headlines. While what you are saying is plausible in the sense that a resistance group committing an atrocity and then blaming it on the US could be a tactic designed to make the occupation even less popular. It may be plausible, but in the end I think that judging from the means in which the US has utilized all resistance atrocities, real or imagined, to further its own interests it would be a stretch to think that they would miss such an opportunity to capitalize on something as major as this.
The reports about the use of chemical weapons is coming from a member of the US-appointed Ministery of Health, and with the early position of Allawi that NO civilians had been killed in Fallujah this statement comes as being quite credible.