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11 March 2005, 04:59

Hey, Mike, you actually sounded like a nearly rational person until you said that this site (bellaciao) was Communist (where’d that come from?) and then followed it up with the statement that Communism and Fascism were opposite sides of the same coin. Close, but, using your words, "intellectually lazy."

I would say that this site is maybe, progressive? or socialist? or even liberal (not a dirty word) or maybe it’s just "open." Now, there’s an idea. A place where people can just come and post what they like. That’s how I found this place. I posted a story about my site - it wasn’t even relevant to anything - just to see if it would be published. And, presto, there it was. Nobody gave me a hard time about it and it just drifted down the list and away over time. The people who run bellaciao are just open to free expression. A far cry from communism, which, BTW, has many forms and is not inherently "evil." Fascism is. Big difference.

Anyhow, I think there’s hope for you, though you need to stop watching FOX entirely. It’s just bad brain candy and most of it is slanted and BS. Also, stay away from Rush Limbaugh. He’s just warped.

My question of the day, week, month, is, just what are our soldiers doing in Iraq? They aren’t training Iraqis for the most part, they aren’t out on missions very often and they aren’t really fighting anyone. They are mostly hanging out waiting for orders or for the permanent bases to be set up or for the Green Zone to be fully fortified. So, really, what the hell are they doing there? My guess is that if you leave soldiers with nothing much to do for too long, they will either become lazy, irritated, bored, homesick or a combination of some or all of those. In any case, they will be less than fully prepared, mentally and physically, for the next mission - a condition that puts them at serious risk.

IMO, they need to either mop up and get out or just get out. They’re not doing anybody any good over there, are they?