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> Hiding Our War Dead. Italy Publicly Honors Its War Dead, America Hides Its Dead

23 March 2005, 14:27

They learned that during the Vietnam war that body bags on public display swung the population to become totally anti-war.The other reason is the total disdain the corporate gangsters at the helm of the US have for ’grunts’ of all ranks. ’’Military Men are just stupid dumb animals to be used as pawns in Foreign Policy’’ -Henry Kissinger in ’’Kiss the Boys Goodbye’’.

From the military perspective, the three-time Medal of Honor Marine, Major Gen. Smedley Butler stated: “I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer; a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation, held in abeyance, while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service.”