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> Hiding Our War Dead. Italy Publicly Honors Its War Dead, America Hides Its Dead

24 March 2005, 09:03

Number one there is no God. This is a proven fact, there is NO evidence of any prayer being heard or answered, just the mere fact that Bush is the leader in this country proves there is no God. What God would allow that turdblossom to be the leader of anything? Number two, you don’t understand, the dumbasses that go into the military are enablers for people like Bush to go around the world telling other soverign nations what to do and when they won’t do as he tells them, the scumbag braindead soldiers go out and do Bush’s dirty work for him (of course they do not know better, they are braindead). Number 3, we don’t think we are safer because of this Nazi policy of invading soverign nations and overthrowing their leaders so our C.I.A. can take over their country too. Number four, this kind of crap endangers every American by making us hated around the world and making us a target. Number five, Iraq was no threat to us ever and never would have been and only braindead people like you want to think otherwise. Number 6, you belong on a GOP website pumping bullshit for Bush so do us all a favor and push your shit somewhere else.