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> Hiding Our War Dead. Italy Publicly Honors Its War Dead, America Hides Its Dead

24 March 2005, 19:17

What happened to the country I grew up with and was taught to love? A country that honored truth and human dignity, that faught to preserve basic human freedoms against fascist agression. Now we outsource jobs to make the few richer, while expecting the average consumer to spend ever more on goods no longer made in America. Where corrupt business executives line their pockets and cause thousands to loose there jobs, pensions, and hope for the future. Yet not spen a day in jail, while they hide their ill gotten gains in property owned by their wife. We have become obsessed with trivial minusia that attempts to keep us occupied; steroid use in baseball, one families tragic battle over a brain dead individual, the pathetic daily show of a sex pervert coming to court in pajamas, and arguing over the display of the ten commandments. All the while millions struggle with no health care, where minimum wage increases are voted down, where hatred towards America increases daily due to greedy, misguided attempts at foreign domination. Does anyone else see a trend here? Wait and see, in a few more years when we all serve a few multi-national corporations by working at lowest wages while they sell whatever at the highest cost. While they mis-direct our attentions to ridiculus issues, use nationalistic ferver to keep us divided and buy what few elections are left in the world. Wake up and look around at what is going on. Get a copy of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and read the whole thing. I think you will see alot of issues that apply to us today. Goverment should serve the people, not the other way around. Our heratage is a bunch of misfits that threw off the oppressive shackles of a corrupt government to form a new one that serves the people. Read the declaration and see if it doesn’t give you some things to think about.