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> Hiding Our War Dead. Italy Publicly Honors Its War Dead, America Hides Its Dead

24 March 2005, 19:27

I would never go so far as to call our soldiers "dirty scumbags". That’s taking it way to far man, way too far. I’m not for the war in any way and I agree that our leaders are about as corrupt as they can get but our soldiers didn’t plan the war nor did they sign up for war. Granted, some did. A few may have signed up for "target practice" but mostly the soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere are there because life gave them litte other options than joining the military. Increasing poverty and job losses is the best recruitment campaign the military has to offer. Of course, many military personnel believe that they war is just, but that’s only because they have to. They can’t just leave or say "sorry, i don’t believe in the war". Some have tried, and failed. Our soldiers deserve our compassion. We can be against the war but we should blame who is really at fault.

And yes I find it sad that our media and government will not honor our war dead and yet they’ll spend months paying tribute to some woman who’s been practically dead for 15 years.

And for those of you who support the war and George Bush in the name of God....Onward christian soldiers, may you rot in hell.