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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

23 March 2005, 23:59

I see chemtrails almost daily over Marshfield, WI. We also have one of the largest medical centers in western WI, coincidence? Perhaps. I dare to speculate on the reason behind these trails. I’ve read everything from enhancing cell tower mind control, to weather modification (presumably stop global warming?), to modifying human genetics. I don’t know what to believe anymore. I DO know that these have a negative impact on human health. During times of heavy spraying I’ve noticed a signficant increase in the number of admits to the hospital (where I work). The death rate goes up in the nursing homes for elders and more people seem to experience upper-respirator problems or infections.

The other strange thing I’ve noticed is that the planes doing the spraying make little if any noise. I’ve heard commercial jets fly overhead and you can distinctly hear the echo of the jet engine. These planes are suprisingly stealth. It seems unlikely these are just contrails from these planes. I’ve seen contrails from behind these planes as well. What I can’t explain is when a contrain mysteriously elongates and turns into a chemtrail then stops and becomes a contrail again. If this is because of sudden dramatic atmospheric changes, I haven’t seen anything like it before.

If you people are looking to take action against whatever this is these planes are doing, I suggest not going through the usual demonstration/media alert/mobilization process. Feel free to try this, but you might not get anywhere. Do a google search for "Wilhelm Reich". Reich was a student of Freud’s who later moved to the US to study natural science. He discovered what he called Orgone Energy which is similar in many ways to electricity, but has many unexplained behaviors which include life enhancing effects. He did a lot of study on atmospheric phenomena and developed something called the Cloudbuster which he used to cause or distroy clouds or storms in the atmosphere. He claimed that while natural "healthy" clouds were held together with this Orgone energy, smog clouds and pollution (chemtrails?) were held together with DOR (deadly orgone energy) which he linked to a great number of human health problems. Crazy huh? It just might hold the key to fighting chemtrails if you accept his paradigm. Google "chembuster" after you’ve read a bit about Reich and his ideas on Orgone energy. People have constructed these and testified that they are able to disapate chemtrails within a 90mi radius. Although I have my doubts about whether they can completely counteract all the stuff being sprayed out of these planes, they might get rid of the bulk of it.

Good luck to all! These are crazy times we live in.