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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

29 March 2005, 06:55

Hello, I have been aware of chemtrails for over 6 years in the San Francisco Bay area without a single peep from the mainstream media. When discussing this issure, many think that atmospheric conditions are unknown and describe the chemtrails as water vapor. On a clear blue bird day, one thing is certain that the upper air space relative humidity is not 100% and all water vapor products will evaporate just like your breath or your auto exhaust on a cold day. These chemtrails are colloidal particulate matter blown into the air space to disperse like dust, smoke or volcanic ash. Due the fact that there is an epidemic in upper respiratory system failures, one must consider the facts about asbetosis, black lung, tobaco smoking and other known particulate health hazzards that can be mirrored by chemtrails. For sure, our government is dusting this nation with chemical products that are hazzardous to our health without concern to the massive influence to our lives. Questions arise about being dusted with viruses, other pathogens and airborne particulates that have been performed by government agents in the past without permission or knowledge of the masses.Ezybud