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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

29 March 2005, 18:02

What makes you think there are human pilots abord those "planes". What makes you think they are a plane? I know they are high up. I heard one with a prop engine sound and then the plane dissapeared along with the prop sound and the chemtrail it laid at exactly the same time on a perfectly clear blue sky! If nato cant run this many sorties, and they appear simultaneously 24 hours a day over every land mass and ocean equally, then, well you get my point. Why has no one ever seen them land? Why is there no ID? Why are they the same the world around? Chemtrails have blood serum to transport nanobacteria for genetic modification and disease dispersal. They have barium and aluminum for 3d xray and communication blocking from outside the planet. Barium and aluminum are also the atmospheric 3D conductors for HAARP and the GWEN system. Get a grip, the future is changing, and fast.