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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

29 March 2005, 23:31

We have Chemtrails in Alaska too. Most notably, on the day of the state democratic convention last year, it was a clear dawn as we drove to Anchorage. We saw two trails laid down before us, then another, and another... By noon there were at least 20 chemtrails criss-crossed over Anchorage, spreading out and turning the sky completely overcast. We could still make out the X’s, but only because we’d seen then progress since early morning. Most people probably just woke up and figured it was just another cloudy day. The people inside the convention behaved like sheep.... was it the trails?

ps- they still lay trails on a near daily basis. imo, they must have something to do with HAARP. perhaps mind control making the populace submissive and/or emotionally over-reactive...