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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

30 March 2005, 05:14

The chemtrails serve more then one purpose as it should be understood by now that the NWO will not do anything unless they can kill two or more birds with one stone.

The first purpose is mind control and pacification: to make us basically zombies giving in to the demands of those in control.

The second purpose is weather modification: contrary to what you might believe, the weather controll is to accelerate global warming - another form of depopulation. With global warming will comes seismic effects and volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, heat waves, etc. which will result in the massive termination of life as we have seen occur and continue to occur in Southeast Asia. Note that the chemtrails are having a basically dehydrating effect on our planet. It’s like taking a giant salt shaker and shaking it over the earth.

The third purpose is the spread of biologicals that incapacitate our immune systems so that whatever germ warfare they decide to inflict will have its maximum effect - another method of depopulation.

Now who is behind the chemtrails - The answer is off world aliens masquerading as humans. They already have most of the control over world governments particularly USA and Great Britain and Israel, the military/industrial complex of these same countries and especially Naval, I repeat Naval intelligence. Note that these same off-world alien intelligences are the same ones that influenced Hitler and the Nazi party. Note that the Nazi party never died. They re-emerged in the U.S. after the war under various aliases, such as the CIA, etc. Re-emerged as part of the AMA and pharmaceutical industry also. Drugs are a very big part of this death cult as you will notice how many people die every year from cancer despite the ineffective treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. Should you need more convincing, look at the vaccine industry and the damage it is inflicting on our children - What parent in their right mind would allow their child to be given a vaccine? Anyway, I digress.

To continue...All the planets in the solar system are inhabited by more advanced beings then ourselves. We should prepare for contact NOW!! The crop circles are being used as a way to contact us by these beings. They are trying to warn us..."We OPpose deception." as was communicated by one crop circle. We should be aware that our govt is being infiltrated and controlled by alien humanoids who do not have our best interests at heart. These are negative aliens with a negative agenda.

I know this all sounds crazy but remember that you will not hear on the media (as it is controlled by this same group) anything remotely like this except from poor sobs like me who analyze and do research concerning this phenomena. Always look for the stuff the media misses or pooh poohs, stuff they don’t want you to hear (omit), then you can begin to understand where the real truth lies.