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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

30 March 2005, 06:45

Well using a laser to evaluate the validity of the overhead vapor trails (laced with chemicals or not) has been effectively remedied an impractical choice due to the ineptitude of some ignorant individuals (you are now classified a terrorist to point a laser in the sky.. give me a break! .. The power level of pointers are in the class IIIc range, they are as about effective a blinding weapon as saline solution when pointed at an aircraft .. not much to report about)

You are left with more expensive means to evaluate the problematic situation besides the fallout from the vapor.. to gather raw samples as the vapor trails are laid out, you would have to use a multistage rocket with sampling chambers to reach the upper atmosphere (at least the rocketry laws allow for a simple rocket to enter the upper atmosphere without a license) the most expensive and the one that can cause a great deal of trouble, is the phased microwave model that evaluates the responses when reflected back.. this one is very expensive and requires a great deal of concerted effort to produce results with (variable wavelength’s within the microwave spectrum are very power hungry to produce and this does not include the equipment needed to read the incoming data) of which only the "government" has the foreseeable monetary means to support...

Lets face it, short of trying new technological methodologies to analyze the vapor trails (such as refractory qualities, trace atmospheric anomalies, etc...) we are going to be left pretty much in the dark until we as a nation of tax payers get together and "Not Just" demand what is going on to be explained but "back it up" with force if necessary.. seeing as we act as sheep rather then a wolf, I do not see this happening anytime soon so complaining about a situation without concerted effort to change it is a "moot" effort in futility..

James A.