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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

30 March 2005, 11:03

I am glad that I am not the only one seeing vanishing planes. I was visiting my friend when I heard and saw a fighter jet fly by. Just before it went into the clouds ,and it had a ways to go, the jet and the roar completly vanished. The roar came back and the jet reappeared and flew out of the of the cloud bank. I guess the Philadelphia Experiment is alive and well.

One afternoon the sky in Portland, Oregon was filled with chemtrails. Disgusted, I went and got my binoculars. They aren’t the best but what I saw knocked me for a loop. The first thing looked like a farmer’s silo with fins on it. It was flying very very fast and left a very large single thick plume. Was told later that object I saw was a rocket. The next chemtrail was a twin trail left by a big lumbering jet. The jet had a red orange body with white to silver wings. The third flying thing I couldn’t distinquish but it looked like a golden boot, low nose and high back. All of these flying devices made not a sound and all were heading north. Most all of the trails here are things flying north. They are very high above and barely visable to the naked eye. How I wish I had the money for a good telesope!