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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

7 April 2005, 20:00

Q- "Please, explain why these trails linger and spread out over hours and how no agency will acknowledge this phenomenom."

A- Contrails are water vapor frozen into ice crystal clouds. From that point on, they behave exactly as oridnary high altitude cirrus clouds do. If ordinary cirrus clouds enter conditions in which the air is dry enough, they will dissipate. In an area with more moisture, the cirrus will persist. In an area with ice supersaturation high enough, the ice crystals in an aging contrail can be spread out by upper level winds and gather enough moisture to grow. All these attributes are the same for ordinary cirrus clouds AND for contrails.

Don’t believe what I have told you, or anyone else who tells you otherwise. Go and contact the qualified meteorologist or atmospheric scientist of your choice, they will all, with no exceptions, confirm that what I have said is absolutely true. It’s long past time for this hoax to be put in the dustbin where it belongs. When you do, be sure to remember who told you the truth, and who gave you misinformation.

Several nations that I know of have been asked to explain what people are seeing, such as Canada, Germany, and the US. It is wasteful of their resources to continue inquiring about every hoax that someone dreams up.

Here is the joint effort by the FAA, EPA, and NOAA here in the USA:

Here are responses from the Canadian Government:

Here is the response by the German Government:

More questions?