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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

10 April 2005, 15:27

"If there is such a thing as a "persistant contrail" I have never seen it in many hours spent watching the sky. Contrails invariably dissipate as they follow the jet across the sky."

Ridiculous. Contrails are just water vapor frozen into ice crystals. no one denies this, they have been known since before WWII. Cirrus clouds are likewise ice crystals. Cirrus clouds can persist and spread, too. the notion that contrails cannot persist is one of the weak foundations of the "chemtrail" hoax, because the same skies you see from six miles below are traveled on a 24/7 basis by thousands of pilots, and observed by many more atmospheric scientists, meteorologists, and associated people. The notion that these tens of thousands of professionals are any less informed than some "Joe" that tells you something on a message board is pretty lame.

"One of them states that commercial aircraft cross navigational aides one after another at opposing angles. I do not doubt this is true, but why would they do it over wide areas of farm and field in a rural area 100 miles from the nearest large airport?"

Yes, most aircraft navigate using a network of radio beacons whicvh are connected by a system of "airways" to facilitate traffic control. Some jets which have satellite navigation get permission from traffic controllers to fly direct to their destinations. These planes cross each others paths as they do so, and this happens in both rural and urban areas. You can view what takes place over part of the northeast on my website, to see how it works: