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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

17 April 2005, 15:58

No, I have never received any renumeration for debunking chemtrails. It is always worth seeking the truth, and spreading it. I love my family and care for my fellow man enough to let them know when they are being hoaxed.

The answers to your question lie in the realm of meteorology, but a little factual knowledge and common sense can go a long way to explaining what you describe.

Fact: Contrails and cirrus clouds form at around -40 degrees F

Fact: Contrails and cirrus clouds persist whenever the air is humid enough to prevent them from dissipating.

Fact: The decrease in temperature with altitude is called the atmospheric lapse rate. Generally, it is around 3 to 5 degrees per 1000ft. With a sea level temperature of 70 degreesF, a plane flying at 35,000 ft would be expected to experience a temperature of 70 degrees minus (35 times 3.5 degrees, or 122.5 degrees) = 52.5 degrees below zero(-52.5F)

FACT: Air humidity is not constant, either from place to place, from time to time, or at different altitudes.

FACT: Once formed, if the air is sufficiently saturated with respect to ice, ordinary cirrus and contrails can grow and spread. This is called the "Bergeron Process".

Common sense observation shows us that ordinary clouds are not always present in a solid sheet either vertically or horizontally. This demonstartes visually how much variability is present in our atmosphere. That is not the whole story, however, because unseen variability in both humidity and temperature do take place.

The incident you describe could be due to many scenarios, but it is likely that since you saw some ordinary yet not persistent contrails, air temperature was cold enough to allow them to form. Probably either air which was more humid came over your location and allowed them to persist, or the difference in persistence during the day was due to planes flying at differing altitudes in which there was a difference in humidity in which some planes flew in more humid air, yet others flew in air which was less humid.

Q-"Am I really to believe that the atmosphere changed that quickly and then changed back, but only for a few jets?"

A- During this morning, I have watched as our sky went from completely clear to partly cloudy.
No contrails were seen to have been a contributing factor. Yes, the atmosphere often changes from hour to hour. That is why we have weather. Wouldn’t it be quite boring to have exactly the same conditions forever?

But I don’t ask you to believe me.
Any experienced pilot or meteorologist will confirm that what I say is true, and I encourage you to seek out their unbiased opinions, which will confirm that what I have told you is completely true.
