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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

21 April 2005, 06:41

I first noticed chemtrails when I lived in Tarpon Springs in the year 2003. I was a blacklisted, watch listed, highly educated person, who was under every type of surveillance imaginable. I had just fled from the small town of Arcadia after a failed sting operation by the local police in SWAT team outfits. So, when the ominous-looking X marks began appearing in the sky every day over Tarpon Springs, I assumed they were directed at me. At that time, there was no grid-like layering of the entire sky, just the horrifying X directly overhead.
In 2004, I was living in St. Petersburg when I again noticed the X marks overhead. At that time, though, the spraying continued throughout the day until the entire sky became overcast. My attempts to get a tan were thwarted every day. I did develop a heart murmur, which was revealed to me during a cursory pre-employment exam. I have not been to a doctor in over a decade due to poverty, wage slavery, and constant harassment/firing.
In 2005, I returned to Arcadia (where my mother lives) and the chemtrails really began in earnest. Every Sunday the entire sky became gray from a massive onslaught . After I wrote to an organization I thought was the EPA, the chemtrails stopped for a week. At the end of the week, a white, unmarked helicopter flew around my mother’s house at tree-top level and then took off. The following week, the chemtrails began appearing every day and blanketing the entire sky.
Whatever these things are, I suspect they are related to mind control projects because of my personal history with them. I fear that I am endangering a town simply because of my presence.
The few people I have mentioned the chemtrails to were horribly indifferent, so anything can be done to most people, because they trust the media and government.