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> Conversations on Chemtrails- The truth about what is happening in America

21 April 2005, 18:59

hahahahah! My youth against me? No it just shows that I’m light years ahead of everyone else including people that hold Doctors degrees in the field of Meteorology. My last prediction about the Air Force spraying across Western Canada just turned out to be correct. I was right and there’s not a single meteorologist on the planet that can say I was wrong and guess what I used to make my forecast? Chemtrails.... read it and weep.

The Canadian Air Force is spraying Western Canada with rain drying clockwise chemtrails, in order to strengthen the ridge across NW Canada. This will allow more cold air to come into the Eastern US ahead of the next system which will enhance the overrunning process on Friday. This will generate larger than expected rainfall tallies for many locations over the Eastern US this weekend. Colder, wetter times ahead for the Eastern US.
There is a lot more said given the current state of the weather for the Canadian and USAF’s to have to do this.... A big "lake of fire" for this summer"


The GFS model took the projected high pressure from a max strength of 1032mb, to 1037mb and the only thing that changed over the past 42 hours was the Chemtrails across Western Canada. Paul was right again :-D :-P