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> Gore Vidal Australian references

3 April 2005, 03:27

Two points of Vidal’s, that Australia is the U.S.A.’s only Pacific ally, and that nobody knows how much Halliburton has stolen, need to be looked at togerther. From Australia Halliburton controls its global infrastructure activities, and is quietly taking control of water supplies, transcontinental transport, military conract co-ordination, Federal, State and Local government planning consultation, and, of course, pipelines acrosss the Southern Pacific.

Vidal’s "bubble" around the U.S. has been replicated in miniature in Australia by the same media empire serving as glassmakers in America, selectively providing information in a way that might make a population draw incorrect conclusions, and currently extolling the virtues of turning this country into a U.S. military and energy support facility.
Some of us hope that Murdoch’s thirty pieces of silver help him to sleep at night, while hopelessy sending information to journalists that we know will never be seen by the general public, as the Halliburton-led U.S corporate juggernaut quietly "organises" the local savages, telling them that they are not adequate to carry out necessary work without the benificence of a corporate God.

Historians wishing to trace the path to the U.S. reality that Vidal describes would do well to pay attention to Australian current affairs. You will probably find in our "backwardness" pieces of the global jigsaw puzzle that, when removed, could change the "big picture" dramatically.

An interestingly unrolling forum on Halliburton in Australia can be found out at the Sydney Morning Herald’s website, in the Web Diary section ( http://webdiary.smh.com.au/archives/_comment/000806.html ) Your comments will help.

Richard Tonkin, Adelaide, Australia