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> Science proves that vote fraud is real!

8 April 2005, 06:03

In the words of Joseph Stalin, "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." These very words are haunting us in the U.S. today. It is not so much whether you voted conservative or liberal, it is a matter of did your vote count the way you wanted it to. With the outcome of the 2004 Election being extremely crazy i.e. Wyoming had a 106% turnout, many precincts in Ohio had more votes that voters for a total of 93,000 extra votes, one really has to wonder what happened. Combine this with the E-voting machine vendors like Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia Pacific, Accenture and SAIC-companies that either are heavily owned by ex-CIA agents, Generals, Admirals, or ties to Enron, or busy renewing $195,000,000 contracts with the Saudi Royal Navy and it is very easy to question the authenticity of this last election. The Exit Polls were off that is a fact, but can you trust these companies with your vote whether or not it is liberal or conservative. There are bills in the U.S. Congress requiring more security and a paper trail and Americans need to get behind them in order to make our next election process more secure. What it requires is that Americans wake up, get off the couch and understand that yes, someone could have rigged the election and very easily as well...and for those who believe it didn’t happen this time...then for future elections. The real issue is do you want your vote to be privatized by corporations with agendas? Before you say anything about "conspiracy theory" research e-voting machines and these companies first.