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> Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad Dwarfs the "Saddam Toppled" rally: Photos

11 April 2005, 00:54

You are hilarious, all of you right wing religious fanatics love to define your biases as America. For your information, the country belongs to all of us and just because we do not agree with YOU, does not make us un-American. The only "leftists" I know and I am proud to be a free thinking American are much more concerned and patriotic than you right-wing propaganda spreading nut jobs who love to say that unless the rest of us agree with your definition of being American then the country does not include us and we hate America, you are a pig and you support mass murder and trashing the once proud name of my country around the world, so I think it is you who are un-American, or you would care more about what the rest of the world thinks America stands for and our once good reputation, so go fuck yourself.