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> Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad Dwarfs the "Saddam Toppled" rally: Photos

11 April 2005, 05:32

The plan is simple, every man woman and child could contribute just $5.00 to a BRIBE FUND each year and this would bring in 15billion dollars approximately yearly. With this money, we could compete with big business for our "representatives" representation, and in most cases we could actually out bribe these same big businesses. It is a proven fact (please one of you right wing nutjobs argue this one) that the way to get the congress (DeLay, et.al) to vote in our favor is to give them the moola, green, shekels, grease, bread, well you know what I mean. Even unelected representatives wouldn’t matter.......who ever pays the piper calls the tunes.

This would be the best $5.00 you would ever spend and would turn over a new leaf in the pages of freedom of speech and democracy. Think about it.