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Please forgive this poor deluded "semi-American" who is semi-literate

11 April 2005, 20:51

These are the same arrogant attitudes that permeate the Bush administration, Faux News and the silly "Plan for a New American Century." Anyone who has traveled out of the states and speaks a second language can easily find out that most of our neighbors around the world know more about us than we do about them. Many speak several languages and understand more about co-existence than Bush, Cheney or Rum-filled ever will. I am constantly amazed that the most ignorant amoung Americans are also the most arrogant. We have a nation filled with half-literate people, a president with open hostility towards learning and academia and a cabinet full of people with half-baked theories grounded on foundations of information so full of holes that they resemble sponges.

We, Americans, are not the most learned. We are not the most educated. We are not the most benign. We don’t have the right to stomp all over other people’s culture under the delusion that somehow our ways are better. While there are many good people in our country, they seldom get into leadership positions. Our country has been committing great wrongs on behalf of a small cabal of ignorant, arrogant and greedy people. We should be apologizing to the people of the world for not being more vigilant in choosing leaders who are wise, kind and humanitarian.

To those reading these postings, I apologize for the person who posted the remark about someone "exploiting Iraquis who don’t read English." This does not reflect the sentiments of those of us in America who are better mannered and better educated.