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> Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad Dwarfs the "Saddam Toppled" rally: Photos

15 April 2005, 02:01

And as you sit there guzzling your booze mr. Joe 24 pack, tell yourself for the millionth time how being from the greatest generation that your booze habit makes you a he-man, and gives you the permission you need to beat your wife. And now that the kids are gone and you can’t beat them anymore too it has all been justified since you have beaten the world. And how shooting at your neighbors dogs and drinking at the bars with the rest of what is left of you old bastards somehow keeps you in power. You are a sad pathetic waste of the oxygen you breathe and we will be happy when you join the rest of the Most-Fucked Up Generation in Hell where you are all going for your crimes against humanity, and ruining the planet. You are too stupid to see that your government (that completely washed your brain) also fucked you over, and threw you a bone.