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> Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad Dwarfs the "Saddam Toppled" rally

26 April 2005, 20:41

Some of you might like to read the book "Good Muslim Bad Muslim" by MAHMOOD MAMDANI. He’s a US based professor and Researcher. The book traces the history of the muslim people, and based on that, tries to understand the people and their society and culture. It gives you a perspective on how the muslim societies, esp in West Asia, grow to be so "unstable".

Do read it and form your own opinions, maybe after checking some of the facts stated.

I think, it’ll help you better understand WHY 9/11 happened, and why is Iraq happenning.
Some of you might agree after reading it that the US government, esp the CIA, have conducted the worst GENOCIDES of ALL times. The biggest example of that, ofcourse, is Iraq. There are many more.

Do read it on your own, and get others to read it as well.