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> Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad Dwarfs the "Saddam Toppled" rally: Photos

31 May 2005, 18:16

Right on! I agree 100%. You can tell the difference, and its a real shame that other people who see the exact same pictures cant see it for what it is. I have read this entire forum, and the thing that bugs me is people come here with a "Bush hater" mind set...and they basically stand for anything against Bush...instead of researching the facts. SUre there are protests....every country has them. It’s just televised by the so called "un-biased" media more in Iraq because morons like previous posters thrive on it. They thrive on hatred, and vuala..you got it all in the protests over in Iraq. Why dont you go to Iraq and see how many protests there are? Hardly NONE! In fact if you were to go you may find yourself pleasantly suprised at the LOVE for America...afterall...we helped win them their freedom. If you dont like America, you dont like what we stand for, or you dont like our President...by all means...leave. I’ll buy your plane ticket.