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> Massive "End the Occupation" Protest in Baghdad Dwarfs the "Saddam Toppled" rally: Photos

12 June 2005, 19:42

afraid of saddams goons? lol not convicing in the least. if that were the case they would just hide in their houses instead of risking their lives confronting the OTHER goons ( U.S military)....afterall all, they were best friends with saddam, had no concern about dropping bombs that killed women and children in the tens of thousands and swaggered into a sovereirgn nation with guns blazing....yet the people STILL came out and faced them down....does it LOOK like the iraqi people are afraid of "goons"?

if the 30 Kurds paid to attend the toppling of the cheesey statue werent afraid of Saddam, why would anyone else be?

you pro-warprofit clowns are failing miserably. immoral, hypocritical scum.

Bush Lied, many died. Fiar the neocon marxist scum.

for more on the downing street memo:
