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> Iraqis suffer from contaminated drinking water, inadequate hospitals,power cuts and funding shortage

19 April 2005, 18:07

The minute we leave, those professionals will be murdered by the Taliban-style "courts" the jihadists set up in Fallujah before the battle. Right now, those professionals ARE risking—and losing—their lives to rebuild Iraq, even with US troops trying to guard them. How long would they last without Coalition forces? Have you forgotten Zarkawi’s pledge to kill anyone associated with democracy in Iraq? Where does that leave the 8,000,000 Iraqis who voted?

Do you really believe press reports on how swell life was in Iraq before the invasion? Did you know that CNN admitted to withholding stories of torture and summary executions for a decade so that Saddam would let them broadcast with a view of Baghdad behind them? (Their editor admitted as much in the NY Times.)

It’s good to rely on press stories cleared by Mohammed Sayeed Al-Sahaf. (see www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com--it’s hilarious.)

We can’t cut and run now any more than we could in Germany and Japan in 1946.