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> Iraqis suffer from contaminated drinking water, inadequate hospitals,power cuts and funding shortage

23 April 2005, 00:21

Are you really so immature in your mind that you think the illegal attack on Iraq should be compared to WWII??? You are comparing apples and oranges. Supposedly our reason to go to Iraq was to change the government, not to wipe out the country as a huge enemy of the U.S., or don’t you remember??? To proclaim that we are doing such a good job at not wiping them off the face of the earth is just stupid along with the rest of your argument that goes along with it. Come down out of the clouds, try to follow along in truth based reality. I know it is hard for someone with your particular condition, but it is so boring for the rest of us to hear you rant on about bullshit.

IF you want to know some history on Iraq and the US involvement there read the article on Iraqgate, it is all documented and factually correct, it is a bit lengthy but if you really care about the truth (?) it will help you with your further arguments in the future, and spare us your uninformed rant.