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Bernard Law

1 May 2005, 22:36

Bernard Law, if he had gone to jail, which is where he belongs, would have been at the bottom of the human chain.

This is today.

I will not defend bullshit from any of the denominations. There is plenty of wrong to be shared. Maybe the problem lies in the Christian foundation to begin with?

The original post is about "Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger", who is now the pope, which means this is about the catholic church. My original posting about that organization still stands.

In the end, I doubt there is any more organized a suppression of Truth than that embodied in this organization.
I believe this church to be extremely prejudice, highly organized, very powerful and openly anit-democratic. I think this continues today. Means of control are systematic and reach down into the corporations that control some 80% of commerce. I do not think this can be overstated. 80% is lot, the rest is like table scraps that the rest fight over and is used to "prove" that "all is fair." The system of control first lies in the hiring process, if you control this you "put in place" those yu want. Maybe someone can do a statistical analysis of Human Resource managers across the large corporations?

I believe this to be true:
"The Catholic Church and Christianity have a horrible history of promoting war, assassination, intrigue, financial scandal, murder, slavery of millions of people throughout the years."

and this also:
"Unsupported and unsupportable slanders against the Catholic church."