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> Hugo Chavez: U.S. citizens are oppressed by their own government

30 April 2005, 15:02

Intersesting book sort of on this issue. America’s crisis of values: reality vs perception, by Wayne Baker

It basically comes down to we really are not a split nation (as the media and government likes to tout), most hold the same thoughts, desires, morals, etc, etc, etc

But we (as a people) don’t really protest when the survival for food and health isn’t there as an issue i.e we are fed and clothed. It makes since. We have extreme left/right "representing" us that we don’t agree with as a whole nation and people, (most Americans are moderate @80%) That means @ 80% are not happpy with their government which is extreme left/right, but we are not at that survival index that makes ua as a nation to hit the streets in mass and demand answers.

When we don’t have food, and home safety is when we’ll hit the streets. Human nature, I suppose