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> Hugo Chavez: U.S. citizens are oppressed by their own government

1 May 2005, 07:09

Hugo Chavez is the victim of the oil thugs who have tried to assassinate him and overthrow his democratically elected government. Even though the United States passed laws in the early 80s making it illegal for our CIA to go to another country and kill their leaders like we used to do, the CIA has continued to break those laws and send hit squads to remove other countries leaders when they won’t do as they are ordered to by our government.

But he somehow escaped these assassination attempts and has declared that if the CIA does assassinate him, the people of Venezuela will make sure the U.S. doesn’t get one more drop of their oil. It makes one wonder why we don’t just pay for the oil and save the taxpayers enormous sums of money and actually make friends with the other peoples of the earth? With the billions of dollars we spend trying to steal other countries resources we could buy them 10 times over and make our country less hated as well as a huge bonus.

Look at the huge expendature of blood and money we squandered in Vietnam, we could have bought every inch of that country for less than a quarter of the money we spent, and we wouldn’t have had to murder 3 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans, and we wouldn’t have had to try to live down the shame we are still under for our actions there. Those of us that lost friends and family there for nothing, will never forget how terribly wrong our government was for what they did there.