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> New Evidence of Conspiracy to Mislead on Iraq Weapons Evidence Warrants Impeachment of George W Bush

30 May 2005, 20:06

Practically all of the Republican senators have already immunized Bush against any sort of impeachment, prosecution, and even from some investigation concerning his lies which led to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. They applaud his "leadership", and endlessly talk about our "brave troops" as a distraction from the illegal and immoral destruction of Iraqi infrastructure, the death of 100,000 Iraqis, the billions of dollars that have gone "missing" and the fake "sovereignty" imposed on Iraq by the Bush War Hawk Neoconservatives. They think that the torture and abuse of Abu Ghraib was a prank because they really think that Moslem infidels should be castigated or slaughtered with impunity.

No apology, no regret, has ever been issued by Bush for any of his war crimes. No tear has been shed for the soldiers that followed his orders, like good soldiers do, and died as a consequence. No apology, no regret has ever been issued by Bush for killing 100,000 Iraqis. In fact he hasn’t even bothered to count their dead. It’s all just "collateral damage."

Does anyone see any Republican mentioning "impeachment?" Does anyone see any Republican demanding a full account of missing funds of the Pentagon, the military in Iraq, the puppet "government" in Iraq? Does anyone know of any serious effort by the Bush administration to send all the Millennium corporation executives to jail?

Did anyone ever hear Bush say "OOPS, I goofed by declaring war on Iraq?" Did anyone ever hear Bush say, "I’m sorry. I was wrong."? Does anyone know of any timetable for getting out of Iraq? Does anyone believe Bush is building several permanent air bases in Iraq, and the largest U.S. embassy in the world in one of Saddam’s palace, because he will soon be leaving?
Does anyone believe the any contractors, the Millennium Corporation minions, the "advisors", the foreign mercenaries, the gung-ho military commanders, have ANY plans to leave Iraq? How long is "permanent?"