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> THE MEMO is the final straw: Bush and Blair must be prosecuted

10 May 2005, 22:51

< THE MEMO is the final straw: Bush and Blair must be prosecuted>

The secret Downing Street memo IS the proof. What is needed now is the political will to prosecute Bush, Blair and Cheney.

I think it will become clearer in the coming weeks just how dangerous this administration is when it feels threatened as this story seeps out into the mainstream. But does this evil administration really feel threatened? Given the powerful forces that stand behind them?

I’m certain there are many dark forces working both in front of, and behind the scenes who will do anything to protect Bush, Blair, and the Military Industrial Complex. Add to that the wealthy corporations that continue to rake in huge profits from its policies and this phony war. These are dangerous forces.

Are we really a great people? We shall see. It will take courage to stand up to this administration and invoke the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I salute William Rivers Pitt, Ray McGovern, Greg Palast and a handful of others who dig deeply and are willing to tell the truth.

Ashley Hotz