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> THE MEMO is the final straw: Bush and Blair must be prosecuted

11 May 2005, 00:16

What more do those in power need to do before they are stopped!?

1) Lying to congress and the American people.
2) Conspiracy to deceive congress and the American people.
3) An illegal war. And the hemoraging of money & resources in the pursuit there of.
4) The death of 1600 Americans, the psychological and physical wounding of 40,000 more, & the death of 100,000 Iraqis on their hands.
5) Turning former allies against us, or towards great suspicion of our intent at-the-least.
6) Tax breaks for the rich, powerful and big business.
7) Bankrupting our economy.
8) Overt propaganda from government sources normalized.
9) Closing the doors on Freedom of Information from government sources. The transparency in government that is necessary in a democracy is becoming a solid wall.
10) Electoral fraud, 3 elections (so far), and the failure of government to investigate them.
11) The continued destruction of our quality of life, and potentially destroying the Earth by rolling back EPA standards, even in light of global warming which will change life-as-we-know-it dramatically.
12) The burden & costs of basic programs and health care increasingly pushed onto states and the individuals as the federal government and big business cut funding with glee!
13) All the huge questions about the source and events surrounding 9/11, and the failure of government to investigate them.
14) Outsourcing of American jobs with no controls.
15) Refusing to increase minimum wage to a "living wage," and the across the board cut in real income for all middle & lower-class Americans.
16) Control, marginalizing & manipulation of the media through big business ownership.
17) Allowing religious factions to control & influence constitutional government procedures.
18) Fraud and war-profiteering by companies like Haliburton go unpunished.
19) Criminals and frauds like DeLay & Guckert walk the halls of government unpunished.
20) Promoting the continued & unheeded use of 26% of the world’s energy by America with such propagandic statements as: "The American way of life will not be compromised."
21) Civil Rights being compromised. Police State instituted. With the magic words "national security" they can now make you disappear: no charges, no contact with the outside world, no known location; disappear. Two teenage girls from N.Y. recently disappeared ... how many others and why? We don’t know, they no longer need to be accountable!
22) Manipulating the population with emotionally charged nationalistic fear tactics (straight from the fascist/dictatorial playbook).
23) The "sunset clause" recently passed with the exorbitant budget that gives a small group of people the power to close any federal program deemed unworthy.
24) Allowing the credit card companies and banks to put millions of Americans in more personal debt than they can afford. Then tightening up bankruptcy laws and increasing minimum payments. And allowing the housing bubble to push housing prices higher & higher. All of which effectively makes Americans wage slaves.
25) Refusing to legalize the importing of Canadian drugs by saying "we have to make sure the’re safe," costing Americans billions in hard earned cash during the six years they’ve had to deem them safe!
26) Abuse and torture of prisoners deemed our enemies.
27) The continued harboring and promotion of one of the most dangerous countries in the middle-east, Israel.
28) The world bank, amongst others tying privatization schemes to huge aid loans, with the added benefit of economically enslaving poor countries with interest they can’t hope to pay.
29) The oil companies are reaping the largest profits ever, while we pay at the pumps, and our government subsidizes the oil companies’ risks in new drillings and security.
30) and, and, and

Need I go on? Maybe I should. It is important to see the ’big picture.’

Take any one of these problems alone, one could shrug it off as "politics," or a "problem that can be fixed," or maybe "not as bad as one would think."
But, when you paint the big picture, with all the interlocking details - the scope of the destruction becomes clear.

It is bizarre to watch Orwell’s "1984" unfolding before my eyes; Surreal (I wish).
Whether it’s a conspiracy, and/or the inevitable result of unbridaled capitalism, hoarding and greed; and/or the megalomania of those fewer and fewer people controlling & owning more and more; It must be stopped.
It would be good to identify the source of the problem so we can learn, and we can make sure it will never occur again. In the mean time, it must be stopped.

I love this land, it’s beautiful, and like so many other places around the world, a good place. The majority of the people are actually very kind and make good neighbors when left to their own devices. I am friends with some who voted for Bush, they are actually well-meaning & good hearted people (they wouldn’t be my friends otherwise), when they aren’t being misled by the likes of Limbaugh, FOX news, right-wing religion and government propaganda.

I, for one, apologize to the world for what the American government is doing. I fear it is not ’my’ government anymore. The lobbyist’s of the rich and powerful have been trying to, and have been writing our laws for many a decade. This is nothing new, this has been going on for a long time. The full destructiveness of that trend just becoming abundantly clear in these terrible times.

I remember a line somewhere, something about "government of the People by the People, and for the People." Oh yea, the U.S. Constitution. I fear this no longer exists.
I remember another line somewhere, when the above fails, we have the right, the imperative "to fix or change it." Oh yea, the Declaration of Independence.

Even though those in power have made those who question them out to be unpatriotic, amoral, liberals (a curse word to them); none of that is true - it’s the biggest lie. There is hardly anything more patriotic that you can do than to question authority. It is our right and imperative in a democracy to make sure that the government actually serves us, the people!
Bless all those who have a voice and the power to stand against the destruction of our democracy and our land.

- anonymous (otherwise I may disappear!)

Sorry for ranting - the thought of actual evidence that could impeach Bush (even though the likelyhood of that happening is almost nil), got my blood boiling.