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> Time for U.S. to withdraw from Iraq

19 May 2005, 23:25

As a NE Ohioan , I first became aware of Dennis Kucinich while a very young boy. My father pointed to him as a beacon of truth in our own world, when he stood up to local bankers trying to force him to sell Muny Light to their own interests. When he refused, they forced Cleveland into bankruptcy over $15 million, destroying this young mans chances for re-election as mayor. He has since been widely recognized for it in the community. Not the most eloquent politician, he speaks the plain truth, plainly, and challenges any lack of public honesty whenever he encounters it.

His tireless efforts on behalf of the areas poor, homeless, and steel industry will forever be remembered by the local community, and my family in particular. As a vegan, he understands and rails against the threat posed to our lives and environment by the bio-tech industry, and will, as with all issues on which he stands, be found to be well studied and correct. He has never sold himself to special interests, making him unique among his peers in the halls of congress, or politics in general, and his longevity is a testament to us all that success is not based in compromise.

I am proud to say that now, as a father and stepfather of 8 children, I have him to point to myself, as a beacon of truth and integrity, for my kids to emulate as best they can in their own lives. But, sadly, I have never voted for him, as I don’t live in his district, but EAGERLY pledge him my vote, and whatever effort I am capable, for the office of POTUS in 2008. It’s high time the American public had someone like him in that office, to restore OUR integrity.

Thank you Dennis for all your effort, I can only IMAGINE how hard it must be.

Steve Snowberger
Akron, OHIO