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> Join in demonstration calling to IMPEACH BUSH

26 May 2005, 02:17

I did not vote for Bush in 2000 nor did I vote for him in 2004! I demonstrated in New York City
in March 2003 against going to war against Iraq! Were you there? I have written and called
Washington to Sen Biden, Sen Kennedy, Sen Clinton and Sen Schumer and Sen. McCain!
I protested Michael Powell and his decisions with the FCC. I DO NOT watch main stream
Media News, which is aside from highlight propaganda news, mostly consists of "entertainment" news (Michael Jackson, Coby Bryant, the runaway bride etc.) I do not watch the television
"Reality" shows which are aiding in the dummying down of America! I get my news from the
net. I am doing my part, and think most people who go onto sites like What Really Happened.com or are reading this site are not accountable for Bush’s relection...therefore
they are not getting what they asked for. Stop being critical and join us and be united!!