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> Join in demonstration calling to IMPEACH BUSH

17 June 2005, 04:22

No we did not elect Bush. He stole both elections.
Saddam was a murderer supported by the US until he disagreed with our government. Our government didn’t care about all the people he killed any more than they care about the people of Iraq being killed now. Or care about any of the victims of the other tyrants they have put in place.
As for 911 , I think our government knew about it and decided to enhance the effects with a few well placed explosives. Has anyone , anywhere, anytime seen a building come down the way the WTC towers fell ,except through controlled demolition? There are so many things that were done to cover up information after the WTC attack that is obvious that someone is lying about some part of it.
Our media is so controlled that the average person is clueless about what is going on . One has to get on the internet and sift through a lot of information to find out anything at all. Most working people don’t have the time or inclination.
Also it is so difficult to realize that the country you love has become so depraved. I know that this was the most difficult thing for me.