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> Kucinich enters results of secret GM study into Congressional record

26 May 2005, 19:53

Thanks for the update. I have been purchasing foods as carefully as I could, since I did not and will not trust Monsanto or other profit oriented self serving investor driven oligachy using the minds of science not to help people but to actually hurt them. How sad. I propose the follow set of departments that are held in the public trust directly accountable and paid for by US tax dollars instead of the war machine we are now paying for and boy a lot of good that seems to be doing us.

The departments are:

1. The department of Information Verification (stop the propaganda - attach fines and remove licensing for the that want to propagandize)
2. The department of life support services - including WATER , FOOD, CLOTHING, MEDICAL CARE, and SHELTER - If no citizen is left BEHIND in the corporations RUSH to make a BUCK I bet I can cut down on LAW ENFORCEMENT, PRISONS, DRUG ABUSE, and WAR MACHINE.
3. The Department of Peace and Global Integration - A department to make it the policy directing elment of foriegn policy. The DOD is the Deaprtment of Middle and Lower Class Death and TAX burden on the middle class
4. The Department of PUblic Accountablity - Making all politicians and so called leaders that have decision making power responsible and ACCOUNTABLE with criminal, civil, tax, and career consequences for those that want to PLAY with OUR LIVES like they were nothing for their own profits or personal agendas subverting their OATH of OFFICE to represent US.
5. The Department of Human and Social Development - A policy branch that is responsible for making sure that information, media, and material that corporation wish to put out do not have agendas that will LEAD TO AS WE HAVE TODAY the Corporationism of America - We have a FDA to test our foods, We should have a HSDA to assure we are not being fed horse pucky - which only leads to a people living in a Orwellian nightmare we have today.
6. Direct Democractic Voting Machines - Internet based and Encrpyted to each citizens home so that NO ONE CAN TAMPER with your vote and ALL VOTES are open and verifiable on any vote local , state , or federal so COLLUSION of agendas will not occur.
7. Repeal of Property and Income tax on the working and ALL TAXES ON ONLY CORPORATIONS for EVERYTHING.