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Berkeley 2002 Resolution Sweeps Through Canada

11 February 2008, 14:09, by HB

Zbigneu Brzezinski laid out the plan for what the Clinton’s accomplished the next time the Democrats were in control.He was Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser.Here is a quote."It will soon be possible to vastly increase control over the individual,by a powerful elite’,using a dominating minority,unrestrained by traditional values>IT will be possible to have almost continuous surveillanc over every Individual"AS reported in DEfense News.com and is a fact of life to the military establishment,Clinton imported the former Soviet Union’s Psychotronic mind control for the American People as soon as he took office in Jan.,1993,which are the Technotronic weapons,Brzezinski’s book iwas about,The Technotronic Era".See Defense News,Barbara Opal article Jan.11-17.The microwave beam Technology referred to ,Al Gore has been called the backbone of,and can broadcast voices into your head to make you think you are goin g insane.Its not an arguement,he was the Vice-President when this policy was begun.While his propaganda media machine was popularizing the slogun,"you better get back on your medication,you must be hearing voices etc.,so young impressionable dupes would think white peoples morals lead to Psyczophrenia,and Jocelyn Elders ,Clinton’s Surgeon General,was desperately trying to get masterbation taught to 13 year olds in sex education class to head this off,eventually getting fired for it,
this was being up in sattelites in 1994.Weapons currently being deployed include a microwave process called voice synthesis,developed by Lockheed-Saunders,which can broadcast voices directly into the brain."NEXUS magazine Oct.1994.At the U.S. Army WAr College Journal Parameters,Strategic Studies Institute July 1994,they were saying,"the major hindrance to the use of advanced Psychotechnologies is traditional American Ethics,outdated notions of national sovereignty(the protections of your Constitution) and personal privacy(your right to your own personal,Spiritual life) are to be changed."By 2001,this had been institutionalized in the cuuriculum.I don’t have time to feed pablum to all the big babies out at Berkely but here’s a quote for you:New York Times,Dec.29,30,1965 Headlin e,Mind Control On WAy.Professor Krech,a Berkely Professor,was in town to speak to a symposium of Scientists.Krech inferred that the successes of the mind control experts now rivals that of the nuclear physicists(who brought you the bomb."I’ve got to go,but you can find out 100 times more about this on my coming website,any week now,www.therealapocalypse.com I will just say that Hillary Clinton is the frying pan of this philosophy,and Obama is the fire.Who loves ya baby...HB www.myspace.com/ultimaus