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> Kerry to bring issue of Downing Street Minutes/Memo to Senate

4 June 2005, 07:33

Just like the Clinton’s, Kerry is a neo-con.
We have very few, in either party,with the balls to stand up to the neo-cons.To bad George Calloway is a brit,he had the balls,he neutered Sen. Levin and castrated Coleman.
The memo will be disassembled by those that dissemble,for those that do the ’dis n’ dat’ for the shrub,it will be childs play (no-balls dems will studder,instead of act)
Then there will be more progress in Iraq,the ’hard work’ shrub must endure to allow wall street too slice up what little will be left over after SS retirement,and pension cancelings, after Enron United etc.etc.
Magically the deficit will de dissallowed disavowed disemboweled,and Laura Bush will win the teacher of the year award for discovering the true meaning of whatever the hell her husband thinks while Karl Rove’s not around.
And does anyone know how many mexican marines it will take too secure the Iraqi oil fields? because thats something not even a republican would do.
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