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> RFK was shot 37 years ago today

6 June 2005, 16:04

This was the official end of our democracy. Since then it seems that everyone in the US is living in denial.

When certain factions of the government can kill beloved leaders of the people without being held accountable, what we have left is a lie. It is now common knowledge that if someone speaks up, if someone dares to tell the truth... their lives are at risk. Why did we come to accept this as okay? In accepting such obvious corruption, we have allowed ourselves to be reduced to a banana republic.

I wasn’t even alive at the time, but I long for what could have been a beautiful awakening and lifting up of the American people and the world by such great leaders like JFK, MLK, RFK. I am saddened to find that my wedding anniversary falls on the same day RFK was shot. My husband and I have been married for 11 years, two kids growing up too fast, and at a time when I should be happily spending my time with my children I am instead forced to fight these very same evil people in an effort to provide a decent country for my kids.

Look what has happened in 37 years....37 years of everyone going back to their own lives, thinking about themselves, collecting wealth, fighting locally.... What a freaking mess! Going local didn’t work because they control everything nationally. And what a job the hippies have left for the future generations! The whole world is still suffering the loss of this great man. I pray for the day we can get our country back on track.